Absolute Strength V2.0 Meet Prep Edition
A 12-week Powerlifting Meet Prep Program.
I want to introduce you to my new book, Absolute Strength V2.0 Meet Prep Edition. The original Absolute Strength came out in 2016 and honestly, the results blew my mind. I never imagined it would be such a hit! The feedback over the past few years has been amazing. But as I said, the program came out in 2016. A lot has changed since then and I wanted to put something out that closely resembles what my current training philosophies are. I also wanted something that incorporated more hypertrophy work at the beginning combined with a peak/taper for competition at the end.
Since the original Absolute Strength Program came out, I have worked with a few hundred additional clients. I have implemented and tested a bunch of new techniques. This program has been put to the test and passed every time.
This is my best piece of work to date. Grab this book now while it's still on sale!